Hemidesmus indicus
English: Indian Sarsaparilla
Sanskrit/Indian: Sariva
Russian: Гемидесмус индийский

General information:
Indian Sarsaparilla is known in Ayurveda as a tonic, alterative, demulcent, diaphoretic, diuretic and blood purifier. It is beneficial in treating skin and urinary disorders. The plant is found throughout Central, Western and Southern India.
The coumarinolignoids hemidesmine and hemidesmin are the major chemical constituents of the herb, which give Indian Sarsaparilla its therapeutic properties.
- Indian Sarsaparilla cools the urinary tract, which effectively alleviates the burning sensation during urination.
- The herb is also helpful in treating urinary infections and kidney disorders.
- As an antibacterial, Indian Sarsaparilla treats skin diseases and promotes skin healing.